Ver. 4.2.1+ This example has been totally rewritten. It now uses a simple "thumb hover zoom" jQuery plugin; jquery.axZm.hoverThumb.js is shipped as extension to AJAX-ZOOM.
Depending on resolution width changes over adjustable CSS3 @media Queries to 16.66, 20%, 25%, 33.33%, 50% or 100%; height is set instantly over $.azHoverThumb "parentHeightRatio" option, which is a fixed width/height image ratio;
"auto" width also works in IE < 9 with this plugin
Open AJAX-ZOOM at fullscreen mode | |
Open AJAX-ZOOM in responsive "Fancybox" | |
Open AJAX-ZOOM in regular "Fancybox" | |
Open AJAX-ZOOM in "Colorbox" | |
| Enable monitor size fullscreen: - enable - disable |
<!-- jQuery core, needed! --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/plugins/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script> <!-- AJAX-ZOOM core, needed! --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../axZm/axZm.css" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/jquery.axZm.js"></script> <!-- AJAX-ZOOM thumbGallery extension, needed! --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../axZm/extensions/jquery.axZm.hoverThumb.css" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/extensions/jquery.axZm.hoverThumb.js"></script> <!-- Fancybox lightbox javascript, please note: it has been slightly modified for AJAX-ZOOM, only needed if ajaxZoomOpenMode below is set to "fancyboxFullscreen" or "fancybox", optional --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../axZm/plugins/demo/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" media="screen" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/plugins/demo/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.js"></script> <!-- AJAX-ZOOM extension to load AJAX-ZOOM into maximized fancybox, requires jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css and jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.js, optional --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/extensions/jquery.axZm.openAjaxZoomInFancyBox.js"></script> <!-- Colorbox plugin, only needed if ajaxZoomOpenMode below is set to "colorbox", optional --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../axZm/plugins/demo/colorbox/example1/colorbox.css" media="screen" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/plugins/demo/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js"></script> <!-- IE < 9 @media query support --> <script src="../axZm/plugins/css3-mediaqueries.min.js"></script>
.block_1{ float: left; width: 12.5%; height: auto; box-sizing: border-box; border-right: 5px solid #FFF; border-bottom: 5px solid #FFF; } .block_1_parent{ /* same as border-right in .block_1 */ margin-right: -5px; margin-bottom: 20px; } @media only screen and (max-width: 1600px) { .block_1{width: 16.6666666666%;} } @media only screen and (max-width: 1400px) { .block_1{width: 20%;} } @media only screen and (max-width: 900px) { .block_1{width: 25%;} } @media only screen and (max-width: 700px) { .block_1{width: 33.333333333333333%;} } @media only screen and (max-width: 500px) { .block_1{width: 50%;} } @media only screen and (max-width: 400px) { .block_1{width: 100%;} }
<!-- Container where subfolders will be loaded into --> <div class="block_1_parent clearfix"> <div class="block_1"> <img class="azHoverThumb" data-group="cars" data-descr="Optional title: car 1" data-img="/pic/zoom/trasportation/transportation_005.jpg" src="../axZm/zoomLoad.php?previewPic=transportation_005.jpg&previewDir=/pic/zoom/trasportation&qual=90&width=400&height=300" alt="" /> </div> <div class="block_1"> <img class="azHoverThumb" data-group="cars" data-descr="Optional title: car 2" data-img="/pic/zoom/trasportation/transportation_006.jpg" src="../axZm/zoomLoad.php?previewPic=transportation_006.jpg&previewDir=/pic/zoom/trasportation&qual=90&width=400&height=300" alt="" /> </div> </div>
// Fire azHoverThumb on .azHoverThumb under block_1_parent $(".block_1_parent .azHoverThumb").azHoverThumb({ parentHeightRatio: 0.665, zoomRatio: 1.34 });
Option | Default | Description |
zoomRatio | 1.5 | Degree of zoom effect |
fadeInSpeed | 250 | Speed of fade in when image first shows |
zoomEsingIn | 'swing' | Easing of zoom effect |
zoomEsingOut | 'swing' | Easing of zoom effect |
zoomInSpeed | 250 | Speed of zoom effect |
zoomOutSpeed | 100 | Speed of zoom effect |
parentHeightRatio | null | If width is responsive you can set the aspect ratio of the height |
maxHeight | 1.0 | Also set / limit height of the image depending on window hight. Applied if "parentHeightRatio" is set to "auto" |
parentWidthRatio | null | If height is responsive you can set the aspect ratio of the width; parentWidthRatio can be also set to "auto" |
overlay | true | show overlay on zoom effect |
overlayColor | '#000' | color of the overlay |
overlayOpacity | 0.4 | opacity of the overlay |
axZmPath | 'auto' | Path to /axZm directory, e.g. /test/axZm/ |
axZmCallBacks | {} | AJAX-ZOOM has several callbacks, |
fullScreenApi | false | Try to open AJAX-ZOOM at browsers fullscreen mode, possible on modern browsers except IE < 10 and mobile |
instantWrapClass | null | Wrap image tag instanly with a div of the specified class of this option |
ajaxZoomOpenMode | 'fullscreen' |
Determines how AJAX-ZOOM is opened when the user clicks on the image thumbs,
possible values:
exampleFullscreen | 'mouseOverExtension' | Configuration set 2 which is passed to AJAX-ZOOM when "ajaxZoomOpenMode" is 'fullscreen' |
exampleFancyboxFullscreen | 'mouseOverExtension' | Configuration set 2 which is passed to AJAX-ZOOM when "ajaxZoomOpenMode" is 'fancyboxFullscreen' |
exampleFancybox | 'modal' | Configuration set 2 which is passed to AJAX-ZOOM when "ajaxZoomOpenMode" is 'fancybox' |
exampleColorbox | 'modal' | Configuration set 2 which is passed to AJAX-ZOOM when "ajaxZoomOpenMode" is 'colorbox' |
exampleIframe | 'mouseOverExtension' | Configuration set 2 which is passed to AJAX-ZOOM when "ajaxZoomOpenMode" is 'iframe' |
iframeLink | 'example33_vario.php' | If "ajaxZoomOpenMode" option is set to "iframe", the path for the iframe document |
iframeParam | 'noSplash=1&stepZoom=1&mNavi=mZoomOut:5,mZoomIn:15' | Additional query string parameter passed to iframeLink |
iframeClose | 'Close zoom' | Show button to close AJAX-ZOOM player if "ajaxZoomOpenMode" option is set to "iframe". Can be true, false or string. If string the text will be added to the button html. |
fancyBoxParam | {} | If fancybox is used in "ajaxZoomOpenMode" option, Fancybox options |
colorBoxParam | {} | If colorbox is used in "ajaxZoomOpenMode" option, Colorbox options |
Last updated: 2015-08-09 |
elseif ($_GET['example'] == [someValue])