Ver. 4.2.1 - the old example got obsolete and has been replaced with a tutorial for developers of how to add "tags" to the images and let the users add title and description. Click somewhere on the image. A hotspot is created. You can drag & drop it to adjust the position. Click on the hotspot to add / read title and description. You can right click on the hotspot to remove it (can be disabled). |
HTML output console |
Loading, please wait...
>> HTML console
This snippet is not ment to represent a final or complete solution! So the output of tagging is displayed in the "HTML console". Normally you would be saving the resulted JSON to a file, database, push to another persons display or perform some other fancy stuff with it. For example in a Digital-Asset-Management system the marketing manager could assign a task to edit the image in a certain way... If you need cross-origin communication please google for "window.postMessage";
As mentioned above this AJAX-ZOOM snippet is for developers who would like to extend and finish this code customizing it for their own needs. If you have a distinguished idea but do not want or do not have time to complete, you can ask AJAX-ZOOM team for a quote to do it for you.
<!-- Include jQuery core into head section if not already present --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- JSON --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/plugins/JSON/jquery.json-2.3.min.js"></script> <!-- AJAX-ZOOM javascript --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/jquery.axZm.js"></script> <link type="text/css" href="../axZm/axZm.css" rel="stylesheet" />
/* cursor in tagging mode */ .azTagging {cursor: crosshair !important;} /* title textfield */ .azTextField {width: 100%; margin-bottom: 5px; box-sizing: border-box !important; padding: 5px; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; border: 1px solid #999999; border-radius: 3px;} /* description textarea */ .azTextArea {width: 100%; height: 100px; box-sizing: border-box !important; padding: 5px; background-color: #FFF; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; border: 1px solid #999999; border-radius: 3px;} /* save, delete button */ .azButton {margin-top: 5px;} /* message about click to place a hotspot */ .azTaggingMsg {position: absolute; background-color: #B50904; width: 290px; margin-left: -140px; top: -1px; left: 50%; border: #000 1px solid; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; font-size: 11px; color: #FFF; padding: 1px 5px 1px 5px; z-index: 1; pointer-events: none;} /* parent container for navigation (mNavi) */ .azCustomNavi{background-color: #AAA; box-sizing: border-box; height: 58px; padding: 4px 0px 4px 0px; border-left: #000 1px solid; border-bottom: #000 1px solid; border-right: #000 1px solid;} /* html console */ .azTaggingResults{background-color: #101010; color: #3cc628;padding: 5px; margin-top: 7px; height: 200px; overflow: hidden; overflow-y: auto;} .azPre{tab-size: 2; -moz-tab-size: 2; margin: 0; font-size: 11px; font-family: monospace;} /* Overwrite css from /axZm/jquery.axZm.js */ .axZmToolTipInner {background-color: #c5d8e1; border-color: #5583b4; border-width: 3px;} .axZmToolTipTitle {color: #FFF; /* #1a4a7a*/ font-size: 16px; line-height: 18px; min-height: 24px; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.75);} .axZm_zoomCustomNaviParentID {margin: 0 auto;}
azTaggingResults shows JSON created after placing the hotspots, so it is not needed in your final code
<!-- Div where AJAX-ZOOM is loaded into --> <div id="azParentContainer" style="min-height: 462px;">Loading, please wait...</div> <!-- Parent container for "mNavi" --> <div id="azCustomNavi" class="azCustomNavi"></div> <!-- "console" to display results which could / should be saved --> <div id="azTaggingResults" class="azTaggingResults">>> HTML console</div>
Every line is commented... The whole code could be ofcourse wraped into external JS. If after all you have any questions regarding AJAX-ZOOM - do not hesitate to contact us please.
// some var to hold everyting else window.ajaxZoom = {}; // the ID of the div element where ajax-zoom has to be inserted into ajaxZoom.divID = "azParentContainer"; // path to the axZm folder ajaxZoom.path = "../axZm/"; // zoomData - defines which image should be loaded ajaxZoom.parameter = "zoomData=/pic/zoom/furniture/furniture_005.jpg"; // example - defines which "options set" is taken // options in /axZm/ are overriden in /axZm/ // after elseif ($_GET['example'] == 'tagging'){ ajaxZoom.parameter += "&example=tagging"; // Local time ahead server time (PHP solution), not needed, you can set timeDiff to 0 ajaxZoom.timeDiff = (new Date()).getTime() - <?php echo round(microtime(true)*1000) ?>; // switch for tagging mode ajaxZoom.taggingMode = true; // some var where we will store user defined title and description ajaxZoom.myTags = {}; // define some text strings ajaxZoom.taggingTxt = { "msg": "» click somewhere to place a hotspot; right-click to remove", "disable": "Disable tagging mode", "enable": "Enable tagging mode", "title": "Title", "description": "Description", "confirmDelete": "Really delete?", "notes": "Notes", "noDescr": "No notes left" }; // add tagging message and manage other tasks when tagging mode is enabled ajaxZoom.setTaggingMsg = function(){ // append tagging message if (!$("#azTaggingMsg").length){ $("<div />").attr("id", "azTaggingMsg").addClass("azTaggingMsg") .html(ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.msg) .appendTo("#axZm_zoomLayer"); }else{ $("#azTaggingMsg").css("display", "block"); } // change cursor $("#axZm_zoomLayerImg").addClass("azTagging"); // change src and description of the custom button which changes states $("#customBtn_mCustomBtn1") .data("btnSrc", $.axZm.icon + $.axZm.buttonSet + "/button_iPad_tag_switched.png") .data("bAlt", ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.disable) .attr("src", $.axZm.icon + $.axZm.buttonSet + "/button_iPad_tag_switched.png"); // make hotspots draggable $.fn.axZm.hotspotsDraggable(); }; // hide tagging message and manage other tasks when tagging mode is disabled ajaxZoom.removeTaggingMsg = function(){ // hide tagging message $("#azTaggingMsg").css("display", "none"); // remove class which changed the cursor $("#axZm_zoomLayerImg").removeClass("azTagging"); // change src and description of the custom button which changes states $("#customBtn_mCustomBtn1") .data("btnSrc", $.axZm.icon + $.axZm.buttonSet + "/button_iPad_tag.png") .data("bAlt", ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.enable) .attr("src", $.axZm.icon + $.axZm.buttonSet + "/button_iPad_tag.png"); // make hotspots not traggable any more $.fn.axZm.hotspotsDraggable(true); // close all opened tooltips $.fn.axZm.removeAllToolTips(); }; // function which will be executed in onZoomInClickStart AJAX-ZOOM callback // important is that when you do not want AJAX-ZOOM to zoom, this function should return false; ajaxZoom.evaluateClick = function(info){ // do not do anything if ajaxZoom.taggingMode (a switch var) is false if (!ajaxZoom.taggingMode){return;} // position of the click related to its original size var xClick = info.viewport.x; var yClick = info.viewport.y; // file (image) name var currentImageName = $.axZm.zoomGA[$.axZm.zoomID].img; // position of the hotspot in this file // there could be same hotspot on an image in the gallery, // this is why we need image name here and it is defined this way var posObj = {}; posObj[currentImageName] = {left: xClick, top: yClick}; // show hotspots in case they are disabled $.fn.axZm.showHotspotLayer(); // after we know the position create hotspot "on-the-fly" $.fn.axZm.createNewHotspot({ // generate some image name // image name could contain the creation date and time // you might also want to get it from server before creating hotspot // or calculate the difference between server time and client time as it is done here // prepend the hotspot name with some random string anyway name: Math.random().toString(36).substring(2) + "_" + ((new Date()).getTime() - ajaxZoom.timeDiff), autoTitle: false, // we do not want alt title to be like hotspot name autoPos: false, // we know at wich positions to put hotspot at (posObj) noInit: false, // we want that the hotspot is added right away draggable: true, // and it should be draggable noRightClickRemove: false, // could be removed with right mouse click posObj: posObj, // our coordinates settings: { shape: "point", // shape is point (not rect) altTitle: false, // mouseover title is disabled labelGravity: "bottom", // position of the title shown as label labelOffsetY: -2, // vertical offset of the label hotspotImage: "hotspot64_map_red.png", // default image from /axZm/icons gravity: "top", // important - display hotspot image above the click point width: 32, // width of the icon height: 32, // height of the icon /* tooltip settings */ toolTipWidth: 300, // width of the tooltip toolTipHeight: 120, // min-height of the tooltip toolTipGravity: "left", // show tooltip left to the hotspot toolTipAutoFlip: true, // but also right depending on position toolTipAdjustX: 25, // horizontal space between hotspot and toolTip toolTipCloseIcon: "close_blue_16.png", // close button icon from /axZm/icons toolTipCloseIconOffset: {right: 5, top: 5}, // position of the close button toolTipOverlayShow: false, // do not show overlayes // toolTipTitle can be also a JS function toolTipTitle: ajaxZoom.toolTipTitle, // toolTipHtml can be also a JS function which returns something toolTipHtml: ajaxZoom.toolTipHtml }, // callback after hotspot is added callback: function(info){ // we have created the hotspot so update ajaxZoom.myTags ajaxZoom.myTags[] = {}; // save / update console ajaxZoom.updateConsole(); // trigger tooltip after it has been added // if you remove the line below the user would need to extra click on the hotspot $("#axZmHotspot_""click"); } }); // important to return false; otherwise AJAX-ZOOM will zoom return false; }; // delete hotspot wrapper ajaxZoom.deleteHotspot = function(name){ // ask if the user wants to delete the hotspot var sureDelete = window.confirm(ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.confirmDelete); if (sureDelete){ // delete hotspot $.fn.axZm.deleteHotspot(name); // close all tooltips $.fn.axZm.removeAllToolTips(); } }; // title which is shown in the popup when the user clicks on the hotspot ajaxZoom.toolTipTitle = function(info){ // we simply return a string but it could be extended return ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.notes; }; // html which is shown in the popup when the user clicks on the hotspot ajaxZoom.toolTipHtml = function(info){ // get already prsent information sored in ajaxZoom.myTags var myTags = ajaxZoom.myTags[] || {}, ret = ""; // empty string // if tagging mode return form fields if (ajaxZoom.taggingMode){ // simple form ret = "<div>"; // title ret += "<input type=\"text\" id=\"azTextField\" class=\"azTextField\" value=\"" + (info.labelTitle || ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.title) + "\">"; // description ret += "<textarea id=\"azTextArea\" class=\"azTextArea\">" + (myTags.descr || ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.description) + "</textarea>"; // name of the hotspot ret += "<input id=\"azTextHotspotName\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + "\">"; // save and delete buttons ret += "<div style=\"text-align: right\">"; ret += "<input type=\"button\" class=\"azButton\" value=\"Delete\" onclick=\"ajaxZoom.deleteHotspot('" + + "');\">"; ret += "<input type=\"button\" class=\"azButton\" value=\"Save\" onclick=\"ajaxZoom.saveInfo()\">"; ret += "</div>"; ret += "</div>"; setTimeout(function(){ // Prevent bubbling when clicked on the textarea $("#azTextArea, #azTextField").on("mousedown touchstart", function(e){e.stopPropagation();}); // Show names of the form fields within formfields and remove them on focus $("#azTextField").on("focus", function(e){ if ($(this).val() == ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.title){$(this).val("");} }).on("blur", function(e){ if ($(this).val() == ""){$(this).val(ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.title);} }); $("#azTextArea").on("focus", function(e){ if ($(this).val() == ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.description){$(this).val("");} }).on("blur", function(e){ if ($(this).val() == ""){$(this).val(ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.description);} }); }, 100); } // return when tagging mode is disabled else { // Calculate time from hotspot name (if not changed) var time ="_")[1]; // Date from Unix timestamp var date = new Date(parseInt(time)); // Return what is stored in ajaxZoom.myTags.descr ret = "<div class='azTextArea'>"+(myTags.descr || ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.noDescr)+"</div>\ Created: " + date + "\ "; } return ret; }; // store description and title under ajaxZoom.myTags ajaxZoom.saveInfo = function(){ // read values from formfields var name = $("#azTextHotspotName").val(); var title = $("#azTextField").val(); var descr = $("#azTextArea").val(); // calculate date and time var time = (new Date()).getTime() - ajaxZoom.timeDiff; // create new / emtty object under ajaxZoom.myTags ajaxZoom.myTags[name] = {}; // store description from formfields if (descr != ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.description){ ajaxZoom.myTags[name].descr = descr; ajaxZoom.myTags[name].lastChanged = time; } // store title from formfields if (title != ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.title){ ajaxZoom.myTags[name].title = title; ajaxZoom.myTags[name].lastChanged = time; // Update label title $.axZm.hotspots[name].labelTitle = title; // Redraw hotspot with $.fn.axZm.initHotspots and make them draggable again $.fn.axZm.initHotspots(null, $.fn.axZm.hotspotsDraggable); } // close tooltip $.fn.axZm.removeAllToolTips(); // save / update console ajaxZoom.updateConsole(); }; // save / update console function // this is the function which you would need to extend ajaxZoom.updateConsole = function(){ var json = {}; // eterate over ajaxZoom.myTags and gather information you would like to store $.each(ajaxZoom.myTags, function(name, obj){ if ($.axZm.hotspots[name] && $.axZm.hotspots[name]["position"] && !$.isEmptyObject($.axZm.hotspots[name]["position"])){ json[name] = { title: obj.title, descr: obj.descr, timestamp: obj.lastChanged, position: $.fn.axZm.convertHotspotPositionToPx($.axZm.hotspots[name]["position"][$.axZm.zoomID]) }; } }); // here we simply visually show that created json without any other action $("#azTaggingResults").html("<pre class='azPre'>" + JSON.stringify(json, null, "\t")+"</pre>"); // todo: for example save it to session and restore when loaded }; // AJAX-ZOOM callbacks ajaxZoom.opt = { // some (not all) options from /axZm/ and // from /axZm/ // could be set in this "onBeforeStart" callback onBeforeStart: function(){ // Remove hotspot entirely when right clicked on it // normally it is only disabled on the current image $.axZm.hsRightClickDel = true; // Do not zoom out at 100% on click $.axZm.zoomOutClick = false; // enable and configure the "mNavi" option // which is the toolbar below the player or in the player $.axZm.mNavi.enabled = true; // enable it $.axZm.mNavi.parentID = "azCustomNavi"; // set ID where it has to be appended to $.axZm.mNavi.buttonDescr = true; // enable description of the buttons $.axZm.mNavi.alt.enabled = false; // disable description simmilar to alt $.axZm.mNavi.fullScreenShow = true; // also show "mNavi" at fullscreen mode $.axZm.mNavi.offsetVertFS = 10; // vertical offset of mNavi at fullscreen mode // this is a list of buttons which we want to show in the toolbar // number value is margin to the next button $.axZm.mNavi.order = { mZoomOut: 5, // zoom out button mZoomIn: 20, // zoom in button mReset: 20, // reset button mPan: 5, // pan mode button mCrop: 20, // crop mode button mHotspots: 5, // show / hide hotspots button mCustomBtn1: 0 // our "whatever" button }; // there can be as many "whatever" (custom) buttons as you want // call them mCustomBtn1, mCustomBtn2, ... // now we define how this mCustomBtn1 should look like $.axZm.icons.mCustomBtn1 = {file: $.axZm.buttonSet + "/button_iPad_tag", ext: "png", w: 50, h: 50}; // and the title of mCustomBtn1 $.axZm.mapButTitle.customBtn1 = ajaxZoom.taggingTxt.disable; // description of the button // attach a JS function to the mCustomBtn1 $.axZm.mNavi.mCustomBtn1 = function(){ // when tagging mode is already on, disable it if (ajaxZoom.taggingMode == true){ // Update state of the tagging mode ajaxZoom.taggingMode = false; // Do other things ajaxZoom.removeTaggingMsg(); } // enable tagging mode else { // Update state of the tagging mode ajaxZoom.taggingMode = true; // Do other things ajaxZoom.setTaggingMsg(); } }; }, // when image loads onLoad: function(){ // Add message that tagging mode is activated and activate it ajaxZoom.setTaggingMsg(); }, // callback executed on any hotspot deletion over API onHotspotDelete: function(name){ // Save / update console ajaxZoom.updateConsole(); }, // callback triggered after hotspot is moved onHotspotsDragEnd: function(){ // Save / update console ajaxZoom.updateConsole(); }, // callback triggered when the user clicks on the image onZoomInClickStart: function(info){ return ajaxZoom.evaluateClick(info); } }; // load AJAX-ZOOM not responsive $(document).ready(function(){ $.fn.axZm.load({ opt: ajaxZoom.opt, path: ajaxZoom.path, parameter: ajaxZoom.parameter, divID: ajaxZoom.divID }); }); // open AJAX-ZOOM responsive // Documentation - /* $.fn.axZm.openFullScreen( ajaxZoom.path, // Absolute path to AJAX-ZOOM directory, e.g. "/axZm/" ajaxZoom.parameter, // Defines which images and which options set to load ajaxZoom.opt, // callbacks ajaxZoom.divID, // target - container ID (default "window" - fullscreen) false, // apiFullscreen- use browser fullscreen mode if available true, // disableEsc - prevent closing with Esc key false // postMode - use POST instead of GET ); */